Saturday, September 25, 2010

AJ Update: Thank goodness for the purple paper

It came last Friday and not a moment to soon. AJ came home with the purple paper. The paper saying he had been nominated for student council. I never thought I would care if my child was the popular kid in the class but then again I never thought I would have the kid that reads a book on the bus on the way home from school, loves to alphabetize things, and walks around with a Kleenex shoved up his nose. But when he brings home the purple paper each year, the other stuff doesn't worry me quite so much.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

So for some reason your blog didn't update on my blog until today. Go figure. I didn't know they had student council in 3rd grade, but good for AJ. There are days when you need that proverbial purple paper to know that your kid is so far off from normal. I wish Jacob would bring home a purple paper... How is everyone in Texas doing? I was thinking about you the other day and all the good crazy times in NE. Hope you're well!