Sunday, March 7, 2010

Potty Training 101

Jake, 3 years 3 1/2 months, has decided that being potty trained is not a bad option. Some kids are only potty trained during the day. Jake is only potty trained when he isn't wearing pants. Put underwear, a diaper, pull-ups or pants on the boy and it is an invitation for his own personal port-a-potty.


Deanna said...

I'm so glad you had a minute to blog. I miss hearing about what your are up to. You always make my days seem so much better! Not to mention what I'm dealing with always pales in comparison to what you are going through.

McEntire Family said...

Naked is good if you live in Texas and not Utah in the winter - so you guys are doing great. Loved seeing a blog post from you - you are always entertaining!

Courtney said...

So glad you are back to blogging. You are an inspiration to many a mom. I miss your funny stories.
No pants are fine I guess if you are home.... have you tried a cloth diaper, those things are pretty bulky and uncomfortable.

Rebecca said...

Is it safe to say that Jake is finally potty trained? I mean it has been 6 months since you last blogged about it. Just sayin...

The Leader Of This Crazy Clan said...

Another mark in the pros column for living in Texas!!! Just curious is there any other way to potty train????