Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring Break 2011

Top 15 of Spring Break 2010

#1 "The Bounder": The RV that we rented to take the kids on a five day, four night tour of the Texas Hill Country. The Bounder was 37 feet long with 3 sleeping areas and more TV's than our house.

#2 For the 437th time, yes all six kids are ours and before you say it yes our hands are full.

#3 "It just takes a minute to get used to." We used this phrase several times to coax our kids into Texas Spring water temperatures. Truth is, you never did get use to it, but it was fun. We did cliff jumping, river tubing, natural spring swimming with waterfalls and our kids favorite, the heated pool.

#4 After our camping reservation in Fredricksburg was a dud, Lisa was cooked dinner in the far end of the parking lot of HEB of while Al frantically searching on the Ipad for a place to park the Bounder overnight.

#5 Careening over the railroad track at 50 mph and launching the 3 bikes strapped to the back of the Bounder into oncoming traffic. Followed by Al sprinting a block back to the tracks to recover the bikes while the rest of family enjoyed the current movie selection. Sadly, only one bike survived.

#6 Bedtime Movie Night. Rudy, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Stars Wars 1, and Star Wars 2. Surprisingly the only nightmares were about "The Cheese Touch."

#7 After learning the hard way the proper steps to emptying the Bounder's sewage system, Al was a little crazy about only #1's in the Bounder. The only curse word uttered on the trip was Al just explaining what he was standing in.

#8 Lisa spending most of the trip wondering if she was actually riding on a cruise vessel in the open ocean. Unfortunately there was no railing to puke over the side. She learned that while traveling it was best to get a movie turned on for the kids and load them up with licorice and other treats so she didn't have to walk around on the Bounder.

#9 AJ managed to sneak almost all of the $15 of firewood into the campfire the first night. It did make great roasting for the larger than life marshmallows that Al bought.

#10 Due to the lack of personal space, Aly discovered the closet in the bedroom of the Bounder was the best place to be alone and get a good scream in.

#11 Caleb listened to his brother instead of common sense and reached into the hot coals left from the morning campfire to get out a prized rock. He paid dearly for it and spent the next two hours keeping his 2nd degree burned fingers in ice water.

#12 Abby the child that can open anything, managed to sneak open the packaged of licorice nibs and eat and distribute 3/4 of the package before we realized why everyone was being so secretive.

#13 The trip was full of proud moments for Jake. He walked by a dog without going berserk (a first for him), was the best at spotting squirrels and had a special language to talk to them, and dared to swim across the frigid spring to the waterfall with Al.

#14 Miley's bed hopping tour. The poor girl could never make up her mind where she wanted to sleep and instead took turns tormenting all of us one night at a time. Of course, no one wanted sleep with the little dirt ball. Babies only take about 2 minutes to be covered in dirt when camping.

#15 Upon arriving home realizing that we still hadn't adjusted our schedule to daylight savings time and Monday morning was going to be brutal.


Kellie said...

Oh my GOSH!!! I can't believe what fun parents you guys are!!! That RV looks like a blast, I can't believe how full your hands must have been, ha ha... Sorry about the bikes. What great awesome memories your kids will have!

P.S. Al is such a good sport, I'm sure we would have heard more than one swear word in our family...

Stacey said...

I love your lists.

Lisa said...

Loved reading your list...yes you have your hands full, but I'll bet you wouldn't have it any other way. The children are beautiful!

Jessica said...

#7 made me laugh so loud that I scared the dog. Poor Dr. Al! I've seen that kind of mess before, and that is the best word for it.