Saturday, January 22, 2011

City Folk, Country Folk

We attempted to jump into small town Texas life and headed to the Youth County Fair this afternoon. We had promised the kids lots of livestock, good treats, and some good ole Texas fun.

We were not dressed for the occasion. I think Al and I were the only ones with khakis on within a mile radius. We also had the only stroller.

After wandering around for 30 minutes we had seen lots of people with wranglers and boots but no farm animals and no fair food. There was an auction going on but we weren't clear about what they were auctioning off, I thought livestock, Al thought homemade brownies. I am not sure either of us were right. We eventually asked someone for instruction on the best way to enjoy the event. We found out that all the festivities occurred on Wednesday and Thursday and all that was left was the auction (though we still don't have an idea what they were selling.)

We called it quits and were headed back the car slightly dejected. Aly called out from the rear of the group, "Can we go to the zoo?" Yep, we are city folk. We are used to paying money and looking at exotic animals in cages. We are working on becoming country folk. I think the first place we need to start is our wardrobe.


Stacey said...

As you update your wardrobe to being a little more country, post a few pictures of the new looks!

McEntire Family said...

What a vivid image! The State Fair here in NM is a right of passage and we're not quite sure why. We haven't fallen in love with it yet and we might not. :) Thanks for sharing your TX stories!

Marisa said...

Our County fair is totally lame, the kids are depressed every year. Have you discovered the joy of stocking your freezer with 1/2 a cow yet? The BEST thing we've discovered yet down here.